English- Reading
At Oakfield Community Primary and Nusery School, our primary aim is to increase children's confidence, enjoyment, and ability in reading, writing and communication.We believe that reading is an essential life skill and reading lies at the heart of our curriculum.
We ensure that we provide all children with depth, breadth, and ambition in their learning - ensuring that our curriculum is well sequenced and builds on knowledge and skills gained as the children progress through the school. Through the use of high quality tests, we aim to ensure that reading is a transferable skill and that children are reading across the wider curriculum.
We foster a love of reading by listening to and interacting with a variety of literature, non-fiction and poetry Our aim is to build a community of engaged readers who turn to reading for meaning and pleasure by engaging with parents and incorporating visitis to our local library.
Author focus
All our classes are named after famous authors. As children move though the school, they have opportunities to read and listen to stories by these authors - how many of these authors are you familiar with?
Whole School Library Visit dates
We viist the local library regulary and will message on class dojo, informing you of upcoming vists.
Please ensure that your child brings their library card with them if you would like them to be able to choose books to take home.
Online Reading Resources
Children in Reception and Year 1 have access to Reading Eggs to use at home to support their phonics teaching. Children in Y2-Y6 have access to Collins Big Cat E-Library or Collins Reading Buddy which is an online reading library that all children have log in access to to support reading at home.
Pathways to Reading KS2
At Oakfield, we follow Pathways to Reading which is closely linked with our writing curriculum. Pathways to Read units provide progressive development of reading skills that follows a mastery approach delivered through high quality texts.
KS2 Overview: