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School Equalities

Equality Statement, Vision and Objectives

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The commitment of the staff and Governors to promote equality resonates in every aspect of our inclusive school, providing fairness and equality for all. We are committed to embracing difference throughout every aspect of school life.

This involves tackling the barriers which could lead to unequal outcomes so that there is equality of access and the diversity within the school community is promoted, celebrated and valued.

We believe that equality at our school should permeate all aspects of school life and is the responsibility of every member of the school and wider community. Every member of the school community should feel safe, secure, valued and of equal worth. At Oakfield Community Primary & Nursery School, equality is a key principle for treating all people the same irrespective of their gender, ethnicity, disability, religious beliefs/faith tradition, sexual orientation, age or any other of the protected characteristics (Single Equalities Act 2010).

In school, our School Council, led by Miss Lawton, foster our commitment and look for ways to ensure that everyone is being treated equally. 

We promote images and literature to positively promote inclusion and diversity across the school. During a whole school Inclusion and Diversity week, we celebrate equality, diversity and inclusion, which has led to a significant increased awareness of LGBT bullying and language.  Inapporpriate use of words is challenged and educated on, so that our family vision and ethos is inclusive of all.


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Who We Are


Community Primary School & Nursery

Where We Are

Oakfield Community Primary School & NurseryEdinburgh Road, Widnes,
Cheshire, WA8 8BQ

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Let's Connect!

Mrs Middleton | Office Secretary

Mr I Green | Chair of Governors

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