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Keeping Children Safe

At Oakfield Community Primary & Nursery School safeguarding is EVERYONE's business.

Safeguarding runs through every strand of the work we do.

We are committed to safeguarding and promoting the welfare of children and expect all staff and volunteers to share this commitment at all times.

We regularly review our child protection policy and procedures, with frequent training provided for all school staff in order to offer a consistent, high quality approach to child protection and safeguarding.  Our policy can be found in the Policies section, under the 'Safeguarding' tab.

What to do if you are concerned

Should you have urgent concerns for the immediate safety of a child, you should contact the police.

If you are concerned about a child’s welfare, please record (in written form also) your concern, and any observations or conversation heard, and report it to one of the Child Protection members of staff at the earliest opportunity on the same day. DO NOT leave it for someone else to report or conduct your own investigation.

If your concerns relate to the actions or behaviour of a member of staff or volunteer in school (which could suggest that s/he is unsuitable to work with children) then you should report this to the Headteacher (or Deputy Headteacher in her absence) who will consider what action to take and seek relevant advice.

If the concern relates to the Headteacher refer the matter to the Chair of Governors: Mr Eric Burke.

The sharing of information

Sometimes we may need to share information and work in partnership with other agencies when there are concerns about a child’s welfare. We will ensure that our concerns about our pupils are discussed with his/her parents/carers first unless we have reason to believe that such a move would be contrary to the child’s welfare, or breaches statutory policy or guidance.

Our school has recruitment procedures that support the safeguarding of young people, as laid out in the Local Authority Safe Recruitment guidance.

Who We Are


Community Primary School & Nursery

Where We Are

Oakfield Community Primary School & NurseryEdinburgh Road, Widnes,
Cheshire, WA8 8BQ

Find Us On A map

Let's Connect!

Mrs Middleton | Office Secretary

Mr I Green | Chair of Governors

0151 424 4958 Follow Us