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At Oakfield, our geography curriculum inspires pupils to explore and understand the world around them. We focus on developing a sense of place, both locally and globally, through engaging lessons that spark curiosity.

Children learn key geographical skills such as map reading and fieldwork, alongside studying topics like the UK's physical and human geography and global communities.

All Geography lessons begin with retrieval tasks which both help to engage learners in their upcoming lesson and provide a valuable assessment tool for teachers to check prior understanding. 


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Knowledge Organisers

Our Knowledge Organisers outline and display the key information, vocabulary, facts, diagrams, maps and pictures which children need to know for the themes and discrete subject units taught in class. We use them to retrieve and recall information, helping children to learn and retain the knowledge of our curriculum.

They are effective at helping children to learn and remember more, building on our knowledge-rich curriculum, that links to children’s previous and later learning across the whole school.

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Retrieval templates

Retrieval practice is a teaching and learning strategy underpinned by cognitive science. It is a well-researched method that helps improve students’ knowledge retention of new information and recall of previously learned content. Our weekly retreival activities are designed to activate prior learning for children and allow teachers to explore deeper understanding through extension questions and higher-order questions. Image retrievals provide open-ended, high-ceiling opportunities for learners (these can be supported by key vocabulary if the teacher deems necessary). 





Please feel free to take a look at some of the following weblinks to help support any Geography learning at home.

UK Aerial Photography

Who We Are


Community Primary School & Nursery

Where We Are

Oakfield Community Primary School & NurseryEdinburgh Road, Widnes,
Cheshire, WA8 8BQ

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Mrs Middleton | Office Secretary

Mr I Green | Chair of Governors

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