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Governor Vacancies

Currentlt we have no places on the  Governing Board of Oakfield Community Primary & Nursery School .

If you would be interested in joining our team please let the school office know and when we have a position we will contact you.

As a governor we would be looking for someone who is

Enthusiastic , with time, and flexibility to contribute effectively to the role. You do not need to be an expert in education: our board is made up of governors with a range of experience and expertise.

We play an important part in raising school standards through our three key roles of setting strategic direction, ensuring accountability and monitoring and evaluating school performance. As a board, we actively engage with the school, to enable us to effectively provide support and challenge to the Headteacher and the Senior leadership team.

Access to training and information to build on existing skills or to develop new ones will be available, as well as support from the Clerk and other members of the board.

Oakfield Primary is a welcoming and inclusive school, with a strong sense of community and a commitment to improving outcomes for all children.

If you are interested for any future vacancies please contact us,

A family for learning. A family for ALL.

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Who We Are


Community Primary School & Nursery

Where We Are

Oakfield Community Primary School & NurseryEdinburgh Road, Widnes,
Cheshire, WA8 8BQ

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Let's Connect!

Mrs Middleton | Office Secretary

Mr E Burke | Chair of Governors

0151 424 4958 Follow Us