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Class 18 2024 - 2025

Mrs Hughes

Miss Downey

Rhianna Y3 .jpg Michelle TA 2.jpg
Miss Downey Mrs Hughes

Welcome to Class 18- Key Stage 2 Speech and Language Dual Base

Welcome to the Oakfield Class 18 'Anthony Browne' Webpage!

We’re excited to share a glimpse into our special class family with you! This page will be updated throughout the year to keep you informed about our learning journey and all the wonderful things happening in our classroom.

Be sure to check back often for updates on our progress and achievements!

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Homework handed out. Homework should take 20 minutes to complete. Remember to read each night and record it in the reading record. 

Year 4 - Guitar Lesson


Year 4 - Outdoor P.E.



Year 6 - Outdoor P.E.


Homework due in.



Year 5 - Outdoor P.E.


Year 3 - Outdoor P.E.


Children are to come school in P.E. kit on their P.E. day. You decide if your child needs indoor or outdoor kit, dependant on the weather. 

Please remember to send your child to school with their water bottle. 


Our journey in the KS2 Base will be exciting! We provide lots of varied experiences that will enhance the learning curriculum.

These are just some of the opportunities that your child will enjoy throughout the year.

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Ditton Library Ditton Library Forest Schools
Harvest Festival Easter Service Ditton Library 
Inter Faith Week World Book Day Science Day
Christinge Service Charity Fundraising (Red Nose Day/Children in Need) Sports Day
Keeping Safe Week    
Chester Zoo Trip    
Stay and Learn sessions    
Cinema Trip    

These are some of the comments our children said about their journey in the KS2 Base.

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I love it when we play Lego Teamwork and build Godzilla! (Harley)

Class 18 is the best, we love Miss McGuffie and Mrs Hughes. (Ethan)

I love swimming. It's the best! (Jayden)

I like playing with my friends. (Jessica)

Class 18: News items

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Class 18: Gallery items

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Class 18: Calendar items

HOLIDAY - HALF TERM, by Mrs Middleton



Who We Are


Community Primary School & Nursery

Where We Are

Oakfield Community Primary School & NurseryEdinburgh Road, Widnes,
Cheshire, WA8 8BQ

Find Us On A map

Let's Connect!

Mrs Middleton | Office Secretary

Mr I Green | Chair of Governors

0151 424 4958 Follow Us