Reception Admission 2025
How to apply for a Halton Primary School reception class place for September 2025 Halton Local Authority (LA) has an agreed co-ordinated scheme for admission to all mainstream primary schools in September 2025.
This means that when you complete the online preference form or a paper copy (available from any of the Halton Direct Link Offices or by request), you may put any primary school regardless of which LA it is in, but please consider carefully whether your child will meet the admissions criteria. Following the deadline for submission of applications, consideration to your preferences will be given, and if your preference is for a school in another LA then Halton LA will forward details on to the relevant LA. The preference form is for completion by Halton residents only. Parents/Carers of pupils from other LAs should complete their own LA form but may include Halton schools as preferences on their form.
The closing date for receipt of preference forms via online applications and those submitted by a paper copy is 15th January 2025
Complete a preference form online at:
Applications for all schools are considered in strict accordance with the relevant admissions criteria and it is important that you read and consider the admissions criteria contained within this booklet before submitting your application.
If you complete a paper form and are able to return it by email, please email it to, take it to any of the Halton Direct Link Offices (you’ll be provided with a receipt) or post it directly to:
School Admissions Team
PO Box 317
*As receipts cannot be issued for paper copies of the preference form received via postal services, it is strongly recommended that you send the form by a recorded delivery service.
To ensure your application is received and processed, forms must not be returned anywhere other than to the above sources. DO NOT return your form to a school.