SMSC (Spiritual, Moral, Social, Cultural) Education, and British Values
At Oakfield Primary School we believe that our core principals are at the heart of British Values and Social Moral Spiritual and Cultural development. Through our curriculum, assembly, circle times and PSHCE lessons we:
- Ensure children become valuable and fully rounded members of society who treat others with respect and tolerance, regardless of background.
- Promote the basic British values of democracy, the rule of law, individual liberty, and mutual respect and tolerance for those of different faiths and beliefs.
- Ensure our young people understand the importance of respect and leave school prepared for life in modern Britain.
Our curriculum ensures pupils have the opportunity to discuss, debate, reflect on and understand key British Values where appropriate (please see below overview). Pupils understand how they can contribute to being a British citizen in a modern British school and society by:
- Making positive contributions to the school and wider community
- Having respect for all and showing responsibility
- Building self-esteem, self-knowledge and self-confidence
- Understanding what is a fair and tolerant community
- Distinguishing right from wrong and respecting the civil and criminal law of England
- Encouraging respect for democracy and support for participation in the democratic process, including respect for the basis on which the law is made and applied in England
- Understanding that British people always work through difficult situations, no matter how tough, as should students at Oakfield Primary School
- Making sure we are accepting of diversity and are a stronger community for this
- Understanding that everyone has their own set of values which they deem important, despite their country or religion
- Understanding respect is key to positive relationships
- Being proud, of who and what we are, wherever we are from
- Participating within our community
- Above all, fairness and equality is key to core British Values
Also, through our Student Council processes and Student voice we:
- Encourage our students to become young leaders
- Ensure we accept each other and have our voices heard through school and eco council elections
How British Values are embedded across the school
Year Group |
Democracy |
Rule of Law |
Individual Liberty |
Mutual Respect |
Tolerance of those of Different Faiths |
Whole School |
Voting for School and Eco- Councilors Whole School Assemblies British Values Week Class JOBS |
Whole School Rules Police / Fire Brigade Visits Whole School Assemblies HISTORY
School Clubs Wishes and Feelings Nurture Hopes & Dreams Week Road Safety PANTS Pastoral Interventions Whole School Assemblies PSHE/RSE ENGLISH |
Circle Time Inclusivity & Diversity Week Whole School Assemblies PSHCE Awareness Months/Anti Bullying Week Celebration Assemblies Nurture Whole School Assemblies RE |
Inter Faith Week Nurture Whole School Assemblies RE
How Spiritual, Moral, Social and Cultural values are embedded across the school
Year Group |
Spiritual |
Moral |
Social |
Cultural |
Whole School |
Christingle Harvest Festival Inter Faith Week Whole school Assemblies RE
Anti-Bullying Week PHSCE Awareness Month Harvest Festival School Rules Nurture Group Assemblies/Circle Time Pastoral Interventions RE |
Christingle Harvest Festival Parents Evening Coffee Afternoons Makaton Nurture Group Hope & Dreams Week Assemblies/Circle Time Forest School Pastoral Interventions Library Visits Stay and Learn PSHE School trips/enrichment |
Christingle Inter Faith Week Assemblies MFL RE Geography |